Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Relationship Advice: The Law of Reconnecting

Country singer Jeff Bates sings about trying to reconnect with his wife in the song "Long Slow Kisses."

In the song, he turns around after leaving for work and comes back home because his wife had said she was lonely. One of the lyrics implies that they may talk all day or "maybe we won't talk at all...."

Sounds like a reasonable and perhaps even fun way to reconnect, doesn't it?

One way to not reconnect

Well, as I so often do, I learned a lot from a client this week who used that song as an example of what not to do.

Working with a couple in my office one day, the wife went on what could only be called a rant about the misleading messages in "Long Slow Kisses."

According to my client that song is not the way to reconnect with a woman.

One way to reconnect

After she got done with her rant, I asked her, since she was the only representative of the female gender in the room, what were some way to reconnect.

At first she said communication. Then she said no, communication could be just saying that the sky is blue.

She went on to say that the way to begin reconnecting is with conversation. One example she have would be if her husband were to simply say that he did not like it that they seemed so far apart.

Amazingly to him, she said this would be more effective than a day of lovemaking.

I think there is something for all of us to learn here.

Relationship Advice: The Law of Reconnecting

Country singer Jeff Bates sings about trying to reconnect with his wife in the song "Long Slow Kisses."

In the song, he turns around after leaving for work and comes back home because his wife had said she was lonely. One of the lyrics implies that they may talk all day or "maybe we won't talk at all...."

Sounds like a reasonable and perhaps even fun way to reconnect, doesn't it?

One way to not reconnect

Well, as I so often do, I learned a lot from a client this week who used that song as an example of what not to do.

Working with a couple in my office one day, the wife went on what could only be called a rant about the misleading messages in "Long Slow Kisses."

According to my client that song is not the way to reconnect with a woman.

One way to reconnect

After she got done with her rant, I asked her, since she was the only representative of the female gender in the room, what were some way to reconnect.

At first she said communication. Then she said no, communication could be just saying that the sky is blue.

She went on to say that the way to begin reconnecting is with conversation. One example she have would be if her husband were to simply say that he did not like it that they seemed so far apart.

Amazingly to him, she said this would be more effective than a day of lovemaking.

I think there is something for all of us to learn here.

Relationship Advice: The Law of Reconnecting

Country singer Jeff Bates sings about trying to reconnect with his wife in the song "Long Slow Kisses."

In the song, he turns around after leaving for work and comes back home because his wife had said she was lonely. One of the lyrics implies that they may talk all day or "maybe we won't talk at all...."

Sounds like a reasonable and perhaps even fun way to reconnect, doesn't it?

One way to not reconnect

Well, as I so often do, I learned a lot from a client this week who used that song as an example of what not to do.

Working with a couple in my office one day, the wife went on what could only be called a rant about the misleading messages in "Long Slow Kisses."

According to my client that song is not the way to reconnect with a woman.

One way to reconnect

After she got done with her rant, I asked her, since she was the only representative of the female gender in the room, what were some way to reconnect.

At first she said communication. Then she said no, communication could be just saying that the sky is blue.

She went on to say that the way to begin reconnecting is with conversation. One example she have would be if her husband were to simply say that he did not like it that they seemed so far apart.

Amazingly to him, she said this would be more effective than a day of lovemaking.

I think there is something for all of us to learn here.

6 Great Ways to Get Your Ex Back

1) Become confident and Strong

Do not show any weakness or negative emotion. If you show any signs of depression and drag your feet on the ground then no one is going to want to be around someone with such negative energy. Show confidence and be strong. This will give your Ex signs that you are stable and confident. And possibly get them the idea that you know they will come back to you. Keep yourself well dressed and have a good appearance about yourself. If you look good then you will feel good. So stay strong but do not get cocky and let your ego overtake your mindset. You want to be humble about this idea.

2) Keep Yourself Busy and Stay Flexible.

This is one of the best tricks to get your Ex back with you. This will also help your mind stay clear. Keep yourself busy and stay flexible. Sounds contradicting doesn't it? Well, there is a trick to this. When you keep yourself busy you doing are two things. Keeping yourself busy will help you keep your mind off any negative emotion you have about breaking up with your Ex and will stabilize your mood. However, you want to be flexible for you Ex. When your Ex notices you are busy and you happen to show them you will drop everything your doing to spend time with them is priceless. The fact that you made time for your Ex shows them how much you really care about them. This makes you look more sincere and will make your partner feel extremely special when they notice you have put a hold on everything just to spend time with them.

3) Minimize Contact for a Short Period

If you truly want your Ex back then you will probably call them 10 times a day and leave multiple voice mails on their phone. It's very tempting but do not do this! This will make you look desperate. As even if you tried to bring them back to your place and put your arm around your Ex will also make you look desperate. Breaking up is a phase that dramatically takes a huge toll on someone's emotions. So slowly work your way back into the whole contact stage. If you should call them do it once a day or once every few days to see how they are doing. If you should make physical contact give a soft kiss on the cheek and a gentle hug goodbye. If they make the first move of contact accept it mildly and don't push it too much. Give your Ex time to think but also let them know you are there when they need you. Remind them you still care and show them you are reliable if they should need to talk to you.

4) Good Memories are Everything

We all want to remember the good times in our lives. Do you remember your first date with your partner? Or the first time you revealed your love for them. These precious memories can be the key to mending a broken relationship. Take them out to the first restaurant you had dinner at, or a park where you had a romantic picnic. Try to sneak in the first romantic song you listened to with them. Find a picture of you two and frame it and put it somewhere so they can notice it. All this will show your Ex that you cherish the good memories and this will remind them why they fell in love with you in the first place. This phase will help bring back your Ex's true emotions for you and everything will start to come together.

5) Be More Involved with your Ex's Family and Friends

Yea, this sounds strange but its a big factor on getting your Ex to be back with you. This phase comes later in the process of winning your Ex back. Be more oriented and involved with your Ex's family and friends. Casually make a social event and invite everybody to come. You can even host a casual get together at your place or at a nice restaurant. If you need to find a reason just be casual and do it out of the kindness of your own heart. This will seem more genuine and sincere. Being flexible and having time to enjoy being around your Ex's family and friends is key. But, do not make your intentions obvious, which means keep conversations about your Ex to a minimum. If your Ex should come up in a conversation say only good things but be humble about it. Doing all this will give you points on getting your Ex back. Your Ex's friends and family will say so many good things about you.

6) Improve yourself, admit to mistakes, let them speak

This is pretty general here, obviously there was a reason on why your Ex left you. Show your Ex that you will change and become a better person. Admit to any mistake and promise them you will put in a lot of effort in improving your overall well being. If you need to see someone for advise or seek professional help do not be ashamed for that either. These are all just simple steps on creating a new relationship with your Ex that will be improved and less likely to fail again. And always listen to their feelings, let them speak, repeat what they say in your own words so they know you are listening and understand. Relationships have to go both ways but there is always an anchor and that sometimes has to be balanced out. If they are wrong about something do not point it out as much. Show them you can fix your own faults and they will surely eventually do the same for themselves.

If you truly cared about that person and would want to give it another chance then you should. It's better to try rather then give up and not try at all. So now that you've convinced yourself to give it another shot, you have to now convince them to give you another chance. So timing must be perfect and you must be patient as well. Let them slowly ease their way in back into your life. Do not rush things ever. Especially when you're trying to win your ex back. Keep simple contact, and wait for the opportunity to aspire.

Marriage and Relationships - 6 Creative Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse

Do you know how many couples in marriages drift apart over time and eventually have nothing in common? Consistently spending quality time together is one of the best ways to stay in touch with your spouse. Many couples are so busy with work and raising a family that they have trouble finding time for each other and their relationship suffers.

With all of the responsibilities in life, how do you carve time out of your schedule for your mate? Here are six creative ways to connect with your spouse:

1. Turn Off the Television

The time you spend watching television is not quality time spent interacting and getting to know your mate intimately. Instead of experiencing reality T.V., experience a real relationship.

2. Schedule a Regular Date Night

A date night does not have to be expensive or elaborate. The most important thing is being with each other and sharing your life, hopes and dreams.

3. Work on Mutual Projects or Hobbies Together

You bond with each other while working together on a hobby or mutual project. It also helps you to continue to have common interests and goals.

4. Exercise Together

Your heart gets two work-outs at once: one physical and one emotional.

5. Meet for a Lunch Date

If your evening schedule is too hectic for one-on-one time, schedule to get together at lunch.

6. Prioritize

It all boils down to your priorities. Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in a day. You will make time for the things that are the most important to you.

RSS Feeds and Article Marketing

RSS feeds are currently an under used way of marketing your articles. You can enhance your visibility and your readership through RSS feeds and gain more web traffic.

In case you aren't familiar with RSS, it often stands for Really Simple Syndication and lets website owners quickly and easily publish syndicated content in real time. Though it's been around for years, it's popularity is still limited considering how practical and powerful it is. Not only can subscribers keep up with your content in real time, other publishers can link to your feed and use it on their site for up to the minute content.

Because of it's sophistication, RSS is a powerful tool, still overlooked by many marketers. Because subscribers don't share their email, multiple messages can be sent in a day, without being regarded as spam by an inbox monitor. Feeds are sent to a feed reader or aggregator and don't use email addresses at all.

It's not the purpose of this article to describe the full workings of RSS. If you do want to know, Wikipedia has a great, technical explanation. In simple terms though, a website author creates a feed on their website. They may use feed creation software, or they may use a web based resource like Feedburner to do it for them. Interested readers click on the link on the website. It might say RSS, Feed or XML. They then take the URL of the feed and paste it into a feed reader or aggregator, such as the web based ones found on My.Yahoo, My.MSN and Google +. The summaries of each post or update are then listed for the subscriber to read. If they are interested, they can click on the link and read the whole article on the publishing website.

How is Article Marketing achieved through RSS feeds?

As an author, create an individual feed for your site. If you're publishing in article directories, it's probably done for you. As a marketer, you need to take advantage of that and post the feed link to popular RSS submission sites. Once this is done, every time you publish a new article, it's instantly added to the feed. In addition, add your own site's feed link to every article you submit, creating more quality linking that search engines love, as well as encouraging readers to subscribe to your own site's feed.

Using your RSS feeds via your article marketing efforts is an additional way to get potential new customers to your site. In addition, you can use Google AdSense in your feeds to gain an extra revenue stream.

The biggest advantage of using RSS feeds is that people who subscribe are interested in your articles and updates and want to know when you have published something new. It also can assist you with your website ranking in the search engine results, because search engines prefer sites with regular updates.

Now is the perfect time to start adding your RSS feeds to your article marketing efforts and start to reap the results.

Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   Choosing an RSS Reader   

3 Easy Ways to Gain More RSS Subscribers

If you have a site or blog then you should take advantage of RSS to get repeat visitors. You really can develop your base of RSS subscribers, and that's why we're going to discuss three excellent tips you can begin using today.

Progress and innovation have been made with RSS tools and various resources that allow you to do more with your RSS feeds. But we want to zone-in on one particular tool, and that is the MyBlogLog Widget. It's purpose is to increase subscribers to your feeds. As we all know one of the best ways to get response from people and to get them to subscribe to your blog is to simply ask them to subscribe. You never know why someone has not done something, like subscribe to your RSS, and it could be a reason as simple as not having a clue about RSS. You'll be accomplishing a lot when you ask them to sign-up to your RSS feed, and you may have to educate them a little about the benefits. By using the MyBlogLog widget, you'll be able to track who is visiting your blog and send them targeted messages requesting them to subscribe to your RSS feed.

Using this widget, you'll be able to see in your blog's sidebar as to who the visitors are. Then, what you will do is when you see someone on your site, you'll be able to send them a message, only to the person, and be polite about things and request they sign-up for your RSS feed. If you want to look around a bit for other programs, then do investigate Bumpzee and BlogCatalog. The bottom line with all forms of new marketing methods is to test; always test and you never know what will happen.

If one of your reader emails you then make sure you take out the time and email them back. This is an obvious no-brainer, but we'll go ahead and say that these are the people who are demonstrating an interest in your site, and they could very well subscribe to your RSS. If you're not going to email them back, then what reason do they have to invest their time to read your blog?

You have to make your reader's feel special and show them that you value their precious time. It's just all good to do that, and there are only good reasons for you to acknowledge them.

Don't forget about that often-neglected email signature, and what we're talking about is simply putting a direct link to your RSS feed right there under your name. It doesn't hurt anything at all, and you never know what you'll get from it.

Find targeted forums for your niche, and then make good use of signature links by placing your feed link in that space. You see, there are many ways to increase RSS subscribers for your site, and we haven't even discussed all the ways.

Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

Using RSS Feeds In Business

An RSS feed - which stands for "Really Simple Syndication" - allows one website's content to be shared, displayed, or syndicated on various channels throughout the Internet. An RSS feed sends out all the essential information - pictures, text, and metadata - and allows aggregators or readers to customize how that information is viewed.

So how do you utilize this technology for your business?

First of all, most blogging software and websites provide an easy way to create multiple RSS feeds. You can create multiple feeds for each category your site blogs about or one feed to include all updates (or both). You can then put a link on your site, giving people access to your feed, which they can they use in their own aggregator or reader.

Once that is set up, you've created a great way to keep your customers, employees, and others updated about what's going on with your business. You can use RSS to send documents, video, audio, pictures, and more, and those who subscribe to the feed will be able to receive that information almost instantly.

You can also create a private or password-protected syndication feed. Some companies use this as a way to supplement (or even replace) e-mail. This way, you don't have to worry about exchanging e-mail addresses; you only have to provide the individual with the RSS feed and/or the password. For a small business, this can be a great way to provide certain customers (like "gold members" or other paid subscribers) with exclusive coupons, updates, etc.

You're also able to send your feed out to RSS directories, blog directories, and feed sites. This will give you increased online exposure and perhaps bring in customers you wouldn't otherwise reach.

RSS feeds are also a great way for you to stay up to date on what's going on within your industry. On top of any other research you do, you can subscribe to news sites, your competitors' RSS feeds, or any other pertinent information you may need to stay informed about what's going on in the market. And since RSS feeds are practically instantaneous, you'll always be the first to know.

RSS feeds are a great way to bring the Internet to you, instead of having to go out and find it. Its applications are endless and can help you connect with people. By setting up, sharing, and utilizing an RSS feed, you can make a big difference on your bottom line.

Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Choosing an RSS Reader   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   

RSS 2.0

What does RSS 2.0 mean to you? When I hear the term RSS 2.0, I think of a new technology that will sweep the internet off of its feet. RSS marketing is a newer form of marketing that a lot of people tend to overlook, but it can be very effective for increasing your online sales and profits.

RSS 2.0 is all about using RSS feeds to get your content delivered out to people. How do you get an RSS feed? Well it's very simple actually. First you need a website. You have to figure out what it is that you want to write about and pick a niche to go into. Finding a theme to your online business is an essential part of your marketing plan. If you try to sell to everyone, you will reach nobody.

So finding a niche is essential to your success. Once you find a niche, it's time to start your own blog or website. The decision to start your own blog or website shouldn't be a hard decision to make. In my personal opinion, if you just want a voice and are looking to make some quick and easy money, you should start off with a blog. With a blog, you can seamlessly incorporate Google AdSense onto your blog and make money whenever someone clicks on your ads.

To get a blog, you can use a service such as Blogger.com to get started immediately. When you go to Blogger, you will have the chance to select from a group of preloaded templates to design your blog. Once you have found the right template to choose, it's time to start marketing.

You will want to do your keyword research and incorporate your keywords into all areas of your blog. After you have made your first post, it's time to start getting the word out about your blog. If you didn't already know (which you probably didn't), you are automatically assigned an RSS feed address for your blog. You can use this RSS feed if you want, but you will more than likely want to get an easier to manage feed from something like Feedburner.com.

With Feedburner, you can get an RSS feed in XML format instead of Atom. Atom and XML are the 2 major types of RSS feed formats to get your feed in, and honestly, XML is easier to work with. Once you have gotten your RSS feed from Feedburner, it's now time to start promoting with it. This is what RSS 2.0 is all about.

You will want to submit your RSS feed to the popular RSS directories. To find RSS directories, simply go to Google and type in "RSS directories". You will see a lot of them come up. Some you have to pay to get inclusion in and some are free. The paid ones get the most traffic, but you can still get traffic from some of the free ones too.

You want to submit your RSS feed to these RSS directories so that website owners can use your blog content as content for their website. This is RSS 2.0 at it's finest. You get free traffic and a one-way link back to your website by simply submitting your feeds to these directories.

RSS 2.0 is all about getting an RSS feed and marketing it to the world. Be sure to start using it today to start having marketing success now.

Good luck with your RSS 2.0 marketing efforts.

Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

Blogging on RSS Feeds

A news/web feed is a data format that's used to provide users with content updated frequently. Users are allowed to subscribe to it thanks to content distributors who syndicate the web feed. An important blog feature is the capability to show other blog's new entries automatically. Blogging on RSS feeds can be as easy as pie.

For example, on Google Blogger, after you select "Layout" and click on "Add a Page Element", a list of elements that you can add on your blog will appear. Under the "Feed" element select "Add to Blog" and a dialog box ("Configure Feed") will open. Here you can paste the RSS link URL from the external blog in the "Feed URL" box and click on "Continue". From here on you can select how and where do you want the feed to be displayed. It's as simple as that!

Blogging on RSS feed can get you more traffic as users will simply visit just your blog to see what's new not only on yours but on others as well.

You can also use lists of RSS directories. One of the key advantages of this kind of lists of RSS directories and blog submission sites is that it offers all submission links directly and you don't have to lose time to explore the directory and search for the submission page by yourself.

Since a number of sites make it hard to find the submission page to discourage spam and automated RSS submissions, this ease of submission is just by itself a considerable effort. Also, to avoid any problems, you should use only English based global directories, without any geographical/regional limitations, superficial or not up to date (shouldn't include sites that are no longer working or unreliable), which do not contain any service that doesn't seem 100% trustworthy or reliable.

There are numerous feed directory websites which offer you the possibility to subscribe to any number of existing RSS Feeds, and the majority of these sites are free and easy to use. Among those which you can trust are websites like http://www.rss-dir.com or http://www.wingee.com . If you want to make your published content more accessible to users, you should research these directories and try to get your feeds published in as many as possible, since it's a proven fact that this will increase the number of readers you have.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start Blogging on RSS feeds.

Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?

By using an RSS Feed you can generate vast amounts of repeat traffic to a website. It is a way of keeping readers who are interested in your content coming back again and again. Site readers can subscribe to an by clicking on the "opt-in" button usually located at the top of a website. It is the infamous orange symbol showing a small white dot and two curved lines. Once a new user clicks this button and subscribes any new posts that are made on the site are sent out directly to the users RSS reader.

An RSS reader is a tool that receives information from a website's RSS Feed and displays it directly to the reader. There are RSS reader applications specifically made for receiving content. The latest web browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome all have RSS readers as part of the package. If you are running either Windows Vista or Windows 7 you can have RSS Feed content displayed on your desktop.

Many would question why they would want an RSS Feed on their website. Surely you want your readers to read your content on your web site and not have it delivered directly to them. If your website income is generated through banners and advertisements they will not see these if they are not visiting your site. Statistics have shown that for an average web site only 3% of visitors will return more than once. If a reader likes the content of your website and has subscribed to your RSS Feed they are then sent constant reminders that you exist every time you update your pages. This dramatically increases the number of repeat visits to your site and builds a relationship between your site and your readers. Effective use of RSS Feeds increases the return visitor percentage to around 15%!

Repeat visitors are the best customers as they are the visitors who actively take part in your web site experience. By using an RSS Feed to increase your number of repeat visitors the more profit your website will generate!

Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   

How Important Is AdWords Management?

If you have an online business or a store that sells products online, you will want to draw customers to your site so you can do business. Without customers, there are no profits. With the help of AdWords, you can generate traffic to your site which could lead to sales and profits. AdWords is a great and affordable way to advertise. With AdWords management you will be able to stay on top of which ads are pulling in the most traffic and sales.

Set Up AdWords

The first thing you are going to do is to set up an AdWords account. This will only cost you a few dollars to get started. You will then decide how much money you are willing to spend each day on the pay per clicks. You can spend thousands a day or just a few dollars a day, depending on your budget.

Before you decide on how much you will spend you need to generate keywords that will pull your ads up. You can do keyword searches to see which keywords will be most likely used to find a particular item on the internet. Using the right keywords is essential to the success of AdWords.

Your AdWords Account

You can have more than one AdWords account at one time. This can get difficult to manage. You can have a different account with different keywords that will draw customers to your web site. Sometimes, if you have more than one, you will be able to see which is generating the most business. You can then put more money into the AdWords account that generates the most money. AdWords management, can be done on your own or you can hire a company to help you. Most small businesses will be able to manage their accounts on their own, eventually. If you are new to AdWords and selling online, you may want to hire professionals to help you manage your AdWords Account.

Getting Help with Ad Copy

After you find the right keywords, you will need to write you Ad Copy. The best way to do this is to see what other ads are all about. You can get all your ideas from ads that appear to be successful. Remember that to get someone to click on your ad you need to have an appealing advertisement.

Keep Track of Your Ads

If you have multiple ads, you will want to know which is generating the most clicks. The ones that are pulling in more business are the ones you want to concentrate on. These are the ads that you will want to spend more money on. The ads that have few clicks can be cancelled or changed. The purpose of AdWords Management is to get more visitors to your site so you can turn over bigger profits. You need to establish a strong online presence and one way to do that is with a successful AdWords campaign.

Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?

When it comes to creating and maintaining awareness for your business and the products and services offered by it, Google AdWord is an excellent option for you. This is not just because there is no minimum buy, but also because this form of marketing is characterized by almost immediate implementation. If that was not all, you can easily target members of the chosen audience and pay only for clicks. Moreover, you may decide to stop or even temporarily pause the AdWord campaign at any point of time and even define maximum cost per day to control budget.

One of the biggest advantages of this Pay per Click-based Google product is that it can easily help your business benefit from budget flexibility, complete accountability, immediate visibility, and analytical software for offering guidance and insight towards reaping and optimizing the results of your promotional campaign. Since Google AdWord can work for your business right away, it is always better than tools and strategies of organic SEO that take months to generate significant results.

In order to get the best value from AdWord, it is best for you to hire the services of a reputed and professional search engine optimization company such as a SEO Sydney company that would formulate and execute promotion strategies for the growth and expansion of your website. The best thing is that your business can be the beneficiary of this pay-per-click program while waiting for pages of your site to appear prominently in search engine results, when coordinated with a search engine optimization strategy. Furthermore, you can always have the option of editing the campaign at any point of time. By choosing Google AdWords as the medium of marketing for your business, you can drive heavy traffic to your website besides exploring new opportunities and finding new customers who are looking for similar products and services as offered by your business.

By hiring professional AdWord solutions, your business can easily be the beneficiary of improved website traffic, more qualified leads coming in, quick and enhanced conversion of leads into sales, more profits, and improved credibility and visibility of the business on the internet. In addition to all these advantages, your business can even cut down dramatically on operational and marketing costs while maintain high standards of branding and product awareness among search engines and existing as well as potential customers.

In order to reap these and many more advantages of Google AdWords, you just need to identify the best search engine optimization company and get things done from it.

Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

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